ISO 22301 - Business Continuity.

Reviewed: 27th September 2024.

ISO/IEC 22301:2019 is an international standard for Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS). It provides a framework for organizations to ensure they can continue operating during disruptive incidents such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, pandemics, or other crises. This standard helps organizations safeguard their interests, brand reputation, and key activities by preparing for, responding to, and recovering from these disruptions.

Key Elements of ISO/IEC 22301:2019

  1. Purpose: ISO 22301 ensures that organizations have a structured approach to managing business continuity and enables them to minimize the impact of disruptive events. The standard focuses on building resilience and ensuring the organization’s critical functions continue, even in the face of adverse conditions.

  2. Scope: It applies to any organization, regardless of size, type, or industry. The standard helps organizations assess threats and develop strategies to continue delivering products or services during an emergency or disruption.

  3. PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act): The framework uses the PDCA cycle to ensure continuous improvement of the BCMS:

    • Plan: Establish business continuity objectives, conduct risk assessments, and develop plans and strategies.
    • Do: Implement and operate the business continuity strategies and procedures.
    • Check: Monitor and review performance through audits and management reviews.
    • Act: Update and improve the BCMS based on reviews, lessons learned, and feedback.
  4. Core Requirements:

    • Context of the Organization: Understanding the organization’s internal and external context, needs, and expectations of stakeholders.
    • Leadership: Top management must demonstrate leadership and commitment to the BCMS by integrating it into the organization’s processes and strategy.
    • Planning: Identify risks and opportunities, set objectives, and define actions for achieving BCMS goals.
    • Support: Ensure resources, competence, awareness, communication, and documented information are in place.
    • Operations: Implement business continuity strategies, including business impact analysis (BIA), risk assessment, and incident response plans.
    • Performance Evaluation: Monitor, measure, analyze, and evaluate BCMS performance. Conduct internal audits and management reviews to ensure effectiveness.
    • Improvement: Take corrective actions and continuously improve the system based on feedback from evaluations and actual incidents.
  5. Business Impact Analysis (BIA): A critical aspect of ISO 22301 is the Business Impact Analysis, which helps identify key business activities and how disruptions could affect them. This allows organizations to prioritize resources and develop specific continuity strategies for critical areas.

  6. Risk Assessment: Risk assessment identifies potential threats, vulnerabilities, and the likelihood of disruptive events. This process helps organizations develop risk mitigation plans and response strategies.

  7. Incident Response Structure: The standard requires organizations to have well-defined incident response structures and communication plans in place to react quickly and effectively during a disruption.

  8. Testing and Exercises: ISO 22301 emphasizes the importance of testing and exercising business continuity plans to ensure they work as intended and to identify any gaps in preparedness. Regular testing keeps plans updated and relevant.

  9. Continuous Improvement: Like all ISO standards, ISO 22301 encourages continuous improvement through regular reviews, audits, and updates based on new threats or changes in the business environment.

Benefits of ISO 22301:2019 Certification

  1. Minimized Downtime: Ensures business continuity during disruptions, reducing downtime and losses.
  2. Enhanced Resilience: Builds organizational resilience against crises and threats.
  3. Reputation Management: Protects the organization’s reputation by maintaining operations even during emergencies.
  4. Customer and Stakeholder Trust: Demonstrates commitment to operational reliability and instills confidence among customers and stakeholders.
  5. Compliance: Helps organizations meet regulatory and contractual obligations related to business continuity.


ISO/IEC 22301:2019 is a comprehensive standard that helps organizations proactively manage and respond to business disruptions. By following this standard, businesses can ensure continuity of operations, maintain customer trust, and enhance resilience in a world of increasing risks and uncertainties.


ISO/IEC 22301:2019 is an international standard for Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS). It provides a framework to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain, and continually improve a BCMS. Like other ISO standards, ISO 22301 requires certain documentation to demonstrate compliance and ensure the effective functioning of the BCMS.

Here’s a list of mandatory documents required by ISO 22301:2019:

1. Scope of the BCMS (Clause 4.3)

  • This document defines the boundaries and applicability of the BCMS.

2. Business Continuity Policy (Clause 5.2)

  • A formal statement of the organization’s commitment to business continuity and the overall objectives of the BCMS.

3. Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and Risk Assessment (Clause 8.2)

  • The organization must document the results of its business impact analysis and risk assessment to identify risks and their potential impact on business activities.

4. Business Continuity Objectives (Clause 6.2)

  • Documented business continuity objectives must be established and maintained, aligned with the BCMS.

5. Competence and Awareness Records (Clause 7.2, 7.3)

  • Records to demonstrate that personnel are competent and aware of their roles related to the BCMS.

6. Documented Information Required by the Standard (Clause 7.5)

  • This includes records necessary to demonstrate compliance with ISO 22301, such as documented processes, procedures, and other relevant documentation.

7. Business Continuity Procedures and Plans (Clause 8.4)

  • Detailed documentation of business continuity plans and procedures for responding to disruptions, including roles, responsibilities, and resources required for their implementation.

8. Records of Communication (Clause 8.4.3)

  • Documentation of internal and external communication during incidents, including relevant stakeholders.

9. Monitoring and Measurement Results (Clause 9.1)

  • Records to show the results of monitoring and measuring the performance of the BCMS.

10. Internal Audit Program and Results (Clause 9.2)

  • Documented records of the internal audit program, audit reports, and corrective actions taken as a result of audits.

11. Management Review (Clause 9.3)

  • Documentation of management reviews of the BCMS, including actions and decisions taken during these reviews.

12. Corrective Actions and Non-conformity Records (Clause 10.2)

  • Records of any non-conformities, corrective actions, and continual improvements made to the BCMS.

These mandatory documents are the backbone of ISO 22301 compliance and provide evidence that the organization has a robust and effective business continuity management system in place. However, organizations often create additional documents to support their unique BCMS needs, beyond these mandatory requirements.

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