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Health & Safety Policy


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  • Fully compliant policy document.
  • Ready for you to customise and implement into your business.
  • Immediate download.

This policy template:

  • Has been prepared and verified by our certified, ISO Lead Auditor and implementation team.
  • It meets all the mandatory requirements of the following standards:
      • ISO 27001 – Information Security.
      • ISO 223001 – Business Continuity.
  • It is ready for you to customise to your specific business needs.
  • It is pre-numbered for inclusion in any of our Information Security Management System (ISMS) or Integrated Management System templates.
  • It is reviewed by our compliance team annually or following any significant changes to the standard(s) to which it applies.
  • It is provided to you in an editable Microsoft Word format.

We charge very little for these templates but have put a great deal of work into them. Please do not share any of our content, publicly or privately without our consent.

The Health and Safety Policy Templates are provided in different version to meet different requirements.

  • There is an ISO 45001:2018 compliant version
  • There is a template which documents Health and Safety Policies without any consideration to ISO 45001 compliance
  • There is a template with a combination of the Health and Safety Policy along with other arrangements to help smaller companies meet legal requirements

The ISO 45001 Health and safety policy can be used to communicate an organisational commitment to the provision of a safe working environment and the prevention of injury and ill health. Additionally, it includes an overview of the organisation’s Occupational Health and Safety management system which can serve to communicate its commitment to a positive safety culture encompassing incident reporting and the elimination of hazards and risks.

The V1 policy is a requirement for ISO 45001:2018 compliance and can be edited to suit. However, care must be taken if editing this policy to meet ISO 45001 compliance as there are elements of the standard that the policy must address. In this instance the organisation must communicate: –

  • A commitment to the provision of safe and healthy working conditions
  • A framework for setting Occupational Health and Safety (OH &S) objectives
  • A commitment to satisfy any relevant legal or other requirements
  • A commitment to the elimination of hazards and reduction of risks
  • A commitment to the continual improvement of integrated management systems
  • A commitment to the consultation and participation of workers

Like all other policies this policy should be retained, filed appropriately and made available to all interested parties.

Versions available;

V1 This version is an ISO 45001 compliant Health & Safety Policy Statement
V2 Simple H&S policy statement without ISO 45001 requirements.
V3 Combined H&S policy, arrangements and general risk assessment. This template is designed for small companies who do not have a full health & safety management system, do not have significant health and safety risks. Sample Data version of this version also available.
V4 As -V3 but also including a simple Fire Risk Assessment. Sample Data version of this version also available.
V5 Simple H&S policy and arrangements without the General Risk Assessment and Fire Risk Assessment included in the document.

The information classification label on policy versions 1 and 2 is [Public]

The information classification label on policy versions 3, 4  and 5 is [Business Use]


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